Describe the eligible work you are requesting funding for. See the Program Guidelines for a definition and examples of eligible work.
Project Budget
Complete the project budget indicating project expenditures and revenue. Project costs may include both hard costs (construction, materials, labour, equipment), as well as soft costs, including administration, management, and permits. Total project revenue must equal total project costs.
ELIGIBLE COSTS List each eligible work item/category and use one of the quotes (if applicable) submitted previously in Section 4. If you have more than one quote and are not using the lowest quote, specify the reasons for selecting the preferred quote. Eligible costs include salaries and wages directly related to the project, consultant fees and travel, equipment rental, temporary storage costs, materials and supplies and minor capital costs in relation to the project, and administrative costs linking to the project.
INELIGIBLE COSTS Costs not associated with urgent remedial action and not directly involved in carrying out the project are not eligible. This includes ongoing operation (for example: salaries, wages, travel, supplies, material, minor capital assets, fundraising, marketing, governance, and other costs related to ongoing operations), day-to-day collections management activities, development of project proposals, grant applications, strategic planning, or climate adaptation planning, and GST.
OTHER PROJECT COSTS If the proposed work is part of a larger project, this may include additional ineligible costs or costs not considered Heritage work. However the budget for this specific project must be clearly indicated. In-kind costs must be matched by equal in-kind revenues
APPLICANT CONTRIBUTIONS The applicant is not required to contribute to the costs of the project but if there are funds directed to the project indicate how much and whether its in-kind or in cash.
Other sources of revenue are not required but if there are funds from another source being used to match eligible costs, such as insurance coverage or other grants, indicate which are secured and which are pending. The applicant must verify if the remedial action is addressed in the organization’s insurance policy. Also indicate here the amount requested from the Climate Disaster Response Fund as a requested source of revenue.