Find Heritage Week Events

All week on February 17 -23, 2025, culture and heritage organizations across the province are going to be hosting events to celebrate Heritage Week.

Use our Heritage Week Calendar to find events. Filter by cost, location, kid-friendly, virtual and more!

Latest Past Events

Free Cold War Bunker Tour

Nelson Museum, Archives & Gallery 502 Vernon Street, Nelson

Explore Nelson's best kept secret for over 50 years - the Cold War Bunker! During the height of the Cold War, in the '50s and '60s, nearly 50 bunkers were constructed across Canada. In 2017, the Nelson Museum began work on restoring the space and opening it to the public. Now, it's one of the […]


100 Mile House & District Historical Society – 108 Heritage Site

In celebration of BC Heritage Week, come and enjoy our beautiful park like, lakefront 8 acre Heritage Site.  Stroll the snow packed paths to view our 13 historical buildings.  Saturday, February 24th, 11 - 2 PM .  Share stories of the Gold Rush era by our Bonfire and enjoy a warming cup of hot chocolate.


Sandon’s Historic Signage Trail

Sandon K&S Station Cody Road, Sandon

To celebrate Heritage Week, we will be exploring our new historic signage trail and welcome you to join us! One day during the week we will be offering a cross-country ski tour and the other day will be a snowshoe tour. Obviously if our 'winter' continues to warm up, these could become walking tours! The […]
