The Climate Disaster Response Fund is a one-time grant opportunity that will provide limited resources to heritage focused organizations with heritage resources damaged by recent climate and natural disasters in British Columbia.
Heritage BC, in consultation with our partners the BC Museums Association (BCMA) and the BC Heritage Emergency Response Network (BCHERN) have determined that there is a need to address immediate conservation of heritage places impacted by recent climate disasters.
Heritage BC recognizes that offering emergency assistance is a first step in assessing and addressing future challenges and the need for long-term climate adaptation and support.
All applications will be processed on a first come, first served basis. The total allocation of funds is $75,000 with a maximum award of $8,000. Heritage BC reserves the right to manage each request internally. All projects must indicate the immediacy and urgency of the issues, an approximate timeline for scope of work, and a feasible project within the framework of this grant.