The Normalization of Heritage in Crisis : A Response
Let’s Rethink to Avoid Normalizing Heritage as Always in Crisis The trigger to this blog is the recent announcement by the Vancouver Island Local History Society (VILHS) that they will …]
Response to Provincial Government decision on Royal BC Museum
In response to the recent Provincial Government decisions around the Royal BC Museum We at Heritage BC have been following the recent announcements regarding the Royal BC Museum. We are …]
Heritage BC makes a commitment to Climate Change, Signs Climate Heritage Network MOU
CLIMATE HERITAGE NETWORK MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (MOU) I. Background Climate change is one of the most significant and fastest growing threats to people and their cultural heritage worldwide. Scientific evidence …]
Reopening Guidelines for Museums and Heritage Sites
The BC Museums Association (BCMA) has compiled a guide, which has then been reviewed by the Government of British Columbia, to assist museums, galleries, culture centres, and heritage organizations in …]