Two standardized methods to measure the satisfaction of your customers are the American Customer Satisfaction Index and the Net Promoter Score.
Following are simplified approaches to these two measurements. They can be easily and effectively used in online surveys. Once you have completed the initial survey, you have a benchmark against which future surveys can be compared.
With good scores, you have strong evidence of your overall impact and community support.
This is a simplified approach to a standardized survey that measures the satisfaction of their own customers.
There are three core questions for your audience:
The following simplified calculation will provide you with a number that expresses your audience’s satisfaction with your museum/heritage site:
Repeat the survey and calculation a year later and compare the numbers to determine if your audience’s satisfaction has changed.
Net Promoter Score is a standard methodology that measures the likelihood of your audience returning or referring to friends and family. It is sometimes considered a measurement for word-of-mouth or the size of your audience that is speaking positively about you.
Ask your attendees:
For each question:
Your score is calculated by subtracting the percentage of ‘detractors from the percentage of ‘promoters’. The calculation can be expressed as:
% of Promoters – % of Detractors = NPS
Here is an example: