A heritage plan, to be effective, should be aligned with the Official Community Plan (OCP), including harmonized objectives and strategies. In this way, the OCP and the heritage plan will reinforce each other.
The designation of a heritage conservation area must state the objectives of the designation. “Objectives are concrete activities that can be achieved within a specified time period,” according to Heritage Planning (source). “They are the things that can be done to achieve a goal. Since there are a number of different ways to realize almost any goal, most goals can have a number of different specific objectives.”
The same document offers several key points for preparing objectives:
Examples of objectives
Following are the objectives found in four HCA designations; they are preceded with a brief summary.
Note: The summary and examples are offered to exemplify objectives that are used to support HCAs. This is not intended to provide an exhaustive or authoritative list, as each local government will develop specific objectives related to each HCA.
Summary of the following excerpts:
The objectives of the designation of the Queen’s Park Heritage Conservation Area (New Westminster) are to:
The objectives of the designation of the Ioco Townsite Heritage Conservation Area are:
The objectives of the designation of the Moody Centre Heritage Conservation are:
The objectives of the designation of the Murrayville Heritage Conservation Area are to: