Fixing up a heritage home can be very costly, so grants and rebate programs have been developed to offer homeowners some help.
Homeowner funding most often supports:
Energy Improvement Programs
» BC Hydro: Home Renovation Rebates
» FortisBC Home Renovation Rebate Program
» Clean BC Rebate Search Tool
Municipal Funding Programs
Some local governments offer grants or rebates as an incentive to conserve local heritage and community character.
Do you know any local governments that offer funding but aren’t included on our map? Let us know at and we will add them.
Yes. Use Clean BC’s Rebate search tool, and check out BC Hydro and Fortis BC‘s energy improvement programs.
You can also contact your local government to see if they have special greening programs. They may have restrictions around who is eligible.
Funding for accessibility upgrades are available, however they are not specifically for older homes. You can find Tax credits and rebates on accessibility renovations for seniors and persons with disabilities through the Government of BC.
You can also contact your local government to see if they have special accessibility renovations programs. They may have restrictions around who is eligible.