In this step, you will consider your options for addressing the impacts identified in Step 2. Have a look at the sample decision-making flowchart for an example of how to think through possible adaptations. We have also provided multiple sources of information on possible adaptations and best practices.
Introduction: Climate Adaptation – Framework and Implementation
Step 1: Building a Strong Foundation
Step 2: Assess Vulnerability and Risk
Step 3: Identify and Select Adaptation Options
Steps 4 and 5: Implement Adaptation Actions, Monitor and Evaluate
Climate Adaptation Worksheet – download
The Parks Canada climate adaptation framework and our accompanying workbook will guide you and your team in developing a comprehensive action plan. However, there may be times you want the support of someone with more experience or access to information. If this is the case, contact Heritage BC and we will help to identify a heritage consultant who will suit your needs and situation. You may also want to review the list of consultants on the BC Association of Heritage Professionals webpage (here).
This sample considers potential adaptations to mitigate the impact of more extreme winters. Please note that it is not exhaustive and is not specific to any one site. What you identify and the actions you choose will be specific to your situation, your access to expertise and materials, the available funding and time to undertake the work, and so on.
In this scenario, we consider the coldest or most exposed parts of the site.